Frequently Asked Questions

An essential oil is a substance that is extracted from the flowers, leaves, stems, roots, bark or seeds of a plant, usually by steam or water distillation. It is the concentrated essence of the original medicinal plant, containing the molecular constructs of its therapeutic properties. Despite being called an oil, an essential oil is not ‘oily’ in consistency, its colour can vary from clear to dark brown. If exposed to air an essential oil may slowly evaporate and oxidize and lose its therapeutic value, therefore sunlight and heat are to be avoided for longevity of your essence..
Many essential oils do not have expiration dates. Essential oils like Patchouli and Sandalwood actually get better with age. However, there are always exceptions to every rule. For example, cold-pressed citrus oils such as Grapefruit, Sweet Orange, Lemon and some pine oils have a much shorter shelf life and generally run their course in about 6 months to one year. Purevess encourage our customers to store essential oils in consistent temperatures with little light to ensure the longest life possible.
A carrier oil is a plant oil press-extracted from the plant parts with higher fat content, often the kernels, seeds or nuts. Carrier oils help dilute and enhance essential oils. Rich with vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E and Beta Carotene.
Essential oils are wonderfully versatile and it takes very little time to learn how to use them.

Diffusion is the method of warming your essential oils to allow the natural release of therapeutic vapors into the surrounding air. You can use up to 5-10 drops of essential oil, hourly. Diffusion allows you to create a therapeutic atmosphere to benefit a group of people. (At work, school, home, clinic…)

Massage Therapy is a great way to get the best out of your essential oils. Invest in a pure quality carrier oil such as organic Avocado oil and blend 1 drop to 1ml of carrier for direct body application.

Bath creates a lovely sense of ritual and relaxation for essential oil therapy. Add 6-10 drops of essential oil/s or mix well into bath water. This preparatory blending offers a cautionary measure against sensitivity, assists the absorption of essential oils into your body, and improves oil dispersion in water. and be aware that 15 minutes is the maximum recommended soaking time.

Purevess recommend a half dose for children from 3yr upwards.
Purevess website is the best place to find important information. Each product page contains in-depth information about that product. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us.