
“Miracle cures” almond oil makes you surprised for its use.

Moisturizing the skin

Moisturizing the skin

Almond oil is an oil very benign, hypoallergenic and can be used even on children’s skin. Almond oil is also capable of very quickly absorbed into the skin, you also can use them to moisturize the skin after bathing. Be warmed by keep almond oil on your palm and rub oil absorbent help faster.

One of the reasons used almond oil as a moisturizer because they contain a lot of vitamin E, oxidation and use often helps the skin against harmful UV rays cause tanning and skin cancer, too!

Clean skin

Clean skin

Because the texture of almond oil quite light and thin, they are capable of osmotic deep into the pores and skin cells, soften and push the dirt from deep inside to prevent blackheads. Due to the large amount of Vitamin A found in almonds, they also help to eliminate acne problems significantly.

Almond oil can also be used on sensitive skin and is capable of very respectable  make up remover. Give flowering almond oil remover and clean skin, wait 2 minutes and rinse with water. You can also mix sugar and almond oil together to make the mixture very effective exfoliation, suitable for both sensitive skin.

Blurring dark circles, pigmentation due to sun

If you suffer from dark circles and puffiness problem bigeye, try applying some almond oil on the dark circles eye each night before bed. You will be surprised by the result after a few months there!

Skin when exposed to the sun for too long will burn, burn, and very sore. Once there, you can apply one little almond oil to fire the skin. Masks of almond oil mixed with honey and lemon also helps smooth skin, bright white.

Removes wrinkles and other signs of aging

Removes_wrinkles _and_other_signs_of_aging
Removes wrinkles and other signs of aging

On our skin, collagen plays a very important part in the preservation of elasticity and makes the skin smooth. Wrinkles and aging problems occur because there is not enough collagen skin, where many seats at above the skin surface. The process of aging is an inevitable, however we can slow this process due to the use of almond oil.
Large amounts of vitamin E found in almonds oil commonly known as a “weapon” against the aging of skin the most in all kinds of nutrients. Almond oil also provides an amino acid to the skin, help them to form more and more healthy collagen.

For strong nails and glossy

If your nails too thin and prone to fractures, which are a sign of the lack of substance in the body. Almond oil will provide adequate zinc nails, help them grow thicker and stronger. Almonds also contain vitamin B and iron, helps foster good pole nail. Usage is very simple, you just need to boil just enough warm almond oil, then lightly apply the nail every day.

Soothing skin

Soothing skin diseases like psoriasis or eczema

Almond oil will not cure psoriasis or eczema for you, but we can relieve itching and moisturize dry skin. You will feel more comfortable thanks to the benign and moisturizing almond oil.

You can use them alone, or also can be blended with essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, jojoba, … helped increase moisturizing and protecting the skin injuries.

Anti-fatigue and myalgia

Anti-fatigue and myalgia

If your body becomes tired and aching after exercise or movement many, be heated almond oil and massage into the right place of getting hurt. Then go get a towel dipped with very hot water, apply on affected areas for about 30 minutes or as long as possible. This approach will help give your body the less painful due to excrete toxic features of almond oil.

Hair Loss Prevention

Hair Loss Prevention

The problem of hair loss is caused by environmental pollution, deficiency in the body, hormonal instability, stress and a lack of substances such as magnesium, calcium and zinc. Take almond oil to boil at a moderate temperature and applied on the scalp after each evening bath, then leave them overnight. You can also give a little almond oil to food to beauty from the inside out offline!

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